Sunday, June 13, 2010

Baby Sweetness

The scent of a new baby is unmistakable. Nearly everyone loves that sweet smell, and for many mothers it holds special memories of the days their children were that tiny.

One of the things I'm going to miss as Munch gets older are his baby smells. The combination of Johnson & Johnson's calming bedtime bubble bath, the lavender baby shampoo we use, the freshness of a new diaper as I'm putting it on him...I loved the lavender scent of the Huggies disposable washcloths, but I guess those have been discontinued now. All these different items have their own individual smell, but they combine to make the deliciousness of my child's scent. Even Balmex diaper cream is a part of that smell. Just breathing in the air as you walk into his room, you can tell a baby lives there.I could sit and hold him & breathe in that wonderful smell all day.

But, as all things must come to an end, he is growing up. He's becoming less of a baby and more of a little boy each day, and while I'll definitely miss the days gone by I don't let that stop me from enjoying the new moments each day!


  1. Oh, that sweet baby smell. I had a memory of the smell of one of my babies the other day and it was almost overwhelming. Cherish it! :)

  2. How I understand! Just think though sometime down the road, one of those smells will drift by you. All of a sudden you will be back holding your infant and remembering some sweet moment you may have forgotten. Thank you for stopping by my blog yesterday!

  3. He is so precious. I love holding babies that smell good. So sweet.

  4. So beautiful! You have a new follower from Friday's blog hop! Come visit me at Mama's Little Chick.

    Mama Hen

  5. I wish I could bottle up that sweet baby smell. It's the smell of innocence and hope and unconditional love.
    Thanks for this sweet post and for stopping by my place as well. Have a great week!

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  6. The sweet smells of a newborn babe. I know what you mean. I miss those days. I say this as my little guy will be turning 3 next month. **sigh**


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