Friday, July 30, 2010

Flash forward

Have you ever looked at your child and seen a flash of their future selves?

This has happened to me a few times with my munchkin. He'll make a certain facial expression and I'll suddenly see him as a three year old, or a seven year old, or a teenager. It only lasts for an instant, but it always leaves me a little surprised. He looks so much the same as he does now but yet so different.

It makes so curious to see what he'll be like as he grows older. What will he be like? What will he love? What will he do? I can't wait to find out the answers.


  1. It is exciting to see them grow up. Sad at the same time,too...I know just what you mean.

  2. I had a comment, but it's pretty much exactly the same thing the Empress said. I get really sad when I think of them getting bigger!

  3. It goes by in the blink of an eye. Hold on tight to those memories!

  4. Oh yeah, I love that. Cant' wait to see what they'll be but don't want them to grow up too fast.


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