Friday, August 6, 2010

Sand Sun and Surf

I'm heading off to the beach this weekend to meet my dad & sister for some rays!

Hopefully I'll be doing some of this

See some of this
And drinking some of this

Visits with my father are always...interesting. I'm sure I'll have a story or two to share next week.

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!


  1. Have fun! Whatever drink that is looks delicious!

  2. Please have a drink with an umbrella in it for me! Stopping by and following you from the Lady Bloggers' Tea Party!

  3. hey, am visiting from LBTS, whish we could have some of that weather in the uk, we are lucky if the sun comes out once a month :(, hope you had a good weekend anyway, regardless of the weather.

    Claire xox (madefor3)

  4. Hi. I came over from lady Bloggers. You seem like a really nice person. I hope you have a fun time with your dad. CAn't wait to hear all about it.

  5. Hey there, looks absolutely fabulous!! enjoy that sun and surf! Following from Lady Bloggers Tea

  6. Oh, I so need time on the beach! Hope you're having a fabulous time!

  7. Hey, just found you via the Lady Bloggers and really like the pictures and the warm atmosphere on your blog, so I have added you to my reader.
    Hope you're having a good time at the beach and come back with lots of anecdotes to share!

  8. drinks with little umbrella's...oooh yeah! LOL


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