Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I've been MIA for the past several days. I'm still alive, but barely! Things have been pretty busy in our house this week, and I've barely had time to think about blogging. But stay with me, OK?

First of all, I'm hosting a baby shower for my bestie this weekend. I'm getting down to the wire, and I still have so much to do. I have so many great ideas, but having to balance them with what my wallet can actually handle has been tough. I'm actually a tad bit disappointed that it's not going to be as fantastic as I envisioned, but I know it's a smarter decision to not spend a lot of money on a disposable event. Still, my mind has been constantly racing with things I need to do and things I want to do and things I could do. I can't seem to turn it off, and that's a big part of my stress level this week. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed.

I also had a job interview today! You might have seen this on my Twitter stream, and thank you so much to everyone that wished me good luck! It went pretty well, I thought, but I'm hesitant to say that because I don't judge things like that well. It could go either way. I may get called back next week to meet with somebody else - we'll see what happens! The good thing is that I do have a job, so I'm not under pressure to find one.

That's about all that I've been up to. It doesn't sound like much now that I've written it out, but unfortunately my brain doesn't care how simple it really is. I've been on the computer so much doing design work for shower (I designed the invitations and a lot of decorations myself) that the last thing I want to do when I get home is log on to the computer. I'm really looking forward to next week, if only so the shower is over! Then I can get back to my normal routine and catch up with my Oink ladies again. I think I'm supposed to do a guest post for somebody, but I don't even remember who.

I'm not on drugs, but this is my brain this week.


  1. I love your new header! It looks great!

  2. It's so hard to stay caught up with everything going on all the time! Sit back, take a deep breath, and get the breather you deserve!


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