Friday, May 14, 2010

I hope I look good in red

Because I think I'm still blushing.

Will and I ran to Target this evening after dinner to grab a gift for a birthday party we're going to tomorrow. It was just a quick trip and he was pretty good, but it was past his bedtime so he was getting fussy as we pulled into the neighborhood. To keep him entertained for the last 2 minutes, I started singing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song. I say "started" because after the first two lines I realized I didn't know the rest.

Side note: Micky Mouse Clubhouse is my little boy's FAVORITE TV show. We watch at least 2 episodes a day. How I can watch it so much and still not know the song escapes me.

Since I don't know the rest of the song, I had no choice but to repeat those same two lines again and again. Will calmed right down and even started humming along with me.

Great! I stopped singing, thinking he would be OK the rest of the way. BAD IDEA. As soon as he realized I wasn't singing, he lost it again. So I started it up again. It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Come inside, it's fun inside!

I kept singing as we pulled into the driveway and as I got him out of the car. No problem, he was tired but behaving well.

Then I turned around and saw my (male) neighbor out in his garage staring at me. Now unfortunately, when I say I was singing...that's putting it nicely, because there's not a bone in my body that has any singing talent.

I stared awkwardly back at him for what seemed like ever, then I squeaked out "hi Danny!" and ran into the house. I'm not sure if he heard me, but I thought I was by myself and I wasn't trying to be quiet. I don't know how he could have missed it. Sigh. Hopefully I didn't seem too stupid!

One other funny story is from yesterday when I picked Will up from his babysitter. She was telling me about his day, and apparently her two little boys decided they wanted to play in the sprinkler. She started getting Will ready to play outside, then realized she didn't have any waterproof diapers. (Can you see where this is going?) For some reason, she decided to take him out in just him swim trunks, sans diaper. As soon as they stepped outside, Will ran over to the corner of her driveway and pooped. Surprised? I wasn't! Murphy's Law, right? She had to peel the soiled suit off of him, shake the mess out over the toilet and rinse the suit out. Then she got smart, hosed him down and let him play in the water naked.

These are some of the special little memories that don't make it into the baby books, but I never want to forget them.


  1. LOL - I pictured him pooping in the corner and died laughing. So funny. At least she had the hose ready for him. :)

  2. That is too funny! Both those stories are priceless. The last one reminds me of when my daughter was 2, and she liked taking showers with me. It never failed...if I got out of the shower first to dry off, she always ended up pooping in the shower! I always made sure to get her out of the shower fast as soon as the water turned off!

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  3. Great stories!!! Stopping by from SITS.


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