Friday, May 28, 2010

Show Us Your Life - Things I Love

It's Show Us Your Life time at Kelly's Korner! Today's segment is about things that you love/make you happy.

These are just a few of mine...


My two favorite boys

My grandmother's farm

Blue Moon with an orange

Weiner dog puppies

Vintage style jewelry

the song "You are my Sunshine"

whales or anything nautical for Will's room


  1. I want to live at your grandmother's farm and drink Blue Moon with orange all day :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I noticed that you were following and I wanted to say hello - looking forward to getting to know you!

  2. Stopping by from SITS. We have parallel live - marriage in 2007, baby in 2009. Our babes are a month apart! Glad to have found you. I'll be sure to check back :)

  3. Weiner dog puppies are SO CUTE.

    Stopping by from SITS

  4. Ah, cake! Enough to make most people happy! I love those whale pictures, adorable.

    Thank you for your visit earlier, it's always lovely to meet new people!

  5. Hi Emily, nice to meet you. Thank you for leaving me a comment. Your son is adorable.
    (husband too) Hope your weekend is going well.

  6. I love all your pictures especially the generations of your family and your grandmother's farm! Following you now!

    Stopping by from SITS to welcome you!

    Cheers :-)
    - CoconutPalmDesigns

  7. Also stopping by from SITS. That picture of your grandmother's farm makes me want to sing "Sleigh Ride!" How beautiful! (The farm, that is. Not my singing).

  8. Great list of likes. I especially like cake.

    Stopping by from SITS.


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