Monday, June 7, 2010

The Best Day

Today was the best day I've had in a long time.

It got off to a slightly bumpy start at the ungodly hour of 4 am. Munch woke up & started chattering and laughing to himself. I briefly debated pulling the pillow over my head to tune him out, but since the hubby had to get up for work in less than 2 hours I dragged my butt out of bed & went to find out what was so funny at that early hour. I found him with a (very) wet diaper, which was good news for me! Usually if he's up that early and he's just wet it's easy to change him and put him back down for more sleeping. I crept out of the room & he didn't make another sound, so I crawled back into bed and got some more Zzz's for myself.

Hubby's alarm went off at 6, and I lounged in bed while he got dressed & ready for the day. I fed the dogs & took them out and made his lunch while he made coffee for the both of us. Munchkin stirred a few times & we expected him to wake up shortly (around the time he usually does). At about 7, DH had to leave for work and the kiddo was still sleeping. I wasn't sure how long that would last so I just sat & enjoyed some "me" time with peace and quiet - that's rare these days!

Over the next few hours I caught up with some blogs, read through several SITS commenter's blog posts, enjoyed my coffee, watched a little TV, started some laundry, and cleaned up the kitchen. On top of all that, I still had time left over to play around on the computer.

Munch finally woke up around 9 - I don't remember the last time he slept that late! Maybe never. I made him some breakfast, and he "helped" me do more stuff around the house for an hour until we had to leave for his doctor's appointment.

The appointment went well - nosebleeds ARE completely normal at his age, the doctor said, and the info DH's buddy gave us was completely correct. We went over some age-appropriate developmental info (words, behavior problems, dealing with tantrums, etc). They gave him 2 shots which he was NOT happy about, and sent us on our way. Oh, and now it was raining. And by raining, I mean the typical Florida summer downpour. I sat in the waiting room for a few minutes until the weather eased up to a drizzle, then pulled out my umbrella and made a run for it. The playground plan was out - he was overdue for his nap and we were both overdue for lunch. We headed home to eat.

While Munchkin napped I watched Twilight. I've seen it before (lots of times) but I don't have it. I was really excited to borrow it from my neighbor so I could watch it again and refresh my memory. It was pretty cool to have the book as a point of reference now; I picked up a lot of new things this time around.

He woke up right as the movie was ending - perfect timing! I gave him a snack & we played together while I folded clothes. About 4:00 I started dinner (spaghetti, my favorite) and let the meat brown & the sauce simmer while I made some phone calls and got myself a snack.

DH got home around 6:00 - we ate dinner, played with the Munchkin and enjoyed bathtime & a bottle. He was exhausted (probably from the shots, but I'm suspecting a growth spurt also since he slept so late this morning) and he fell asleep without so much as a peep. DH and I watched some quality TV - The Next Food Network Star - and now we're headed to bed. Or, he's already snoring away and I'm right behind him!

Hope everyone had a good day too - I hope tomorrow can measure up to this one!


  1. I wish my sons would sleep that late! They're up at 6 a.m. every day. Glad you had a good day!

  2. Sometimes the simplest days are the best, aren't they? William is an absolute doll, by the way - great pictures!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

    Your day does sound pretty awesome. My hubby went to college in FL and I remember visiting him and those awful the heavens just opened up!

    I also made spaghetti last night (yum!) and love Next Food Network Star.

    Seems like we have a lot in common! :)

  4. Ah, sleep is a beautiful thing! Glad you had such a nice day and so much quiet time to yourself. I like days like that too.

    Stopping by from SITS


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