Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thankful on Thursday

I've been reflecting on some things this week, and wanted to take some time to share some things in my life that I'm thankful for.

1. Visits with old friends

2. Blessings in disguise - I thought having to take 2 days off from work would be a disaster. Instead, I had a nice long 4 day weekend, two of the best days I've had in a long time, and extra time with my son & husband. I also got completely caught up with laundry and cleaning the house AND we saved almost a hundred dollars that we didn't have to pay the babysitter for 2 days. & work barely missed me.

3. Warm chocolate chip cookies

4. Good music that I can listen to again & again

5. A hubby that loves to cook for me :)

6. The love I feel from my son as he runs to hug my knees. This makes my heart melt every time.

7. The one co-worker that understands why our company makes me so crazy. & knows just how to calm me down when I'm at my most upset.

8. Drivers that pay attention (in this case, me). I almost got squashed by a bus driving to work this morning. If I wasn't paying attention I'd be history - so thankful that I was able to swerve onto the median & out of the way!

9. A clean kitchen

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I'm thankful that my mommy bought my Eclipse tickets for me and that we are going to a ladies night with dinner and friends to celebrate! Seriously can't wait! Came over from SITS to say hi!

  2. Numbers 1 and 3...I'm also thankful for both of those. And I'm thankful for my health, and the health of the seems that health is one of those things taken for granted until something "bad" happens.

  3. There are so many blessings in our lives, aren't there? I've begun counting them with Ann Voskamp at Holy Experience on Mondays. It's a beautiful thing to remember gratitude!

    Today I'm thankful for a wonderful family who've been taking care of me since I'm under the weather and under doctor's orders not to talk -- which isn't easy for me. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by Sugar Tails!

  4. Knee hugs are the greatest - especially when they won't let go and you have to walk with them holding on!

    xo Erin

  5. I love knee hugs, too! And I loved your scrabble photo!


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