Saturday, June 5, 2010

I love the smell of bathtime

Pictures from Memorial Day weekend. Munchkin's cousin came to visit! They had a great time together, but there were a few tense moments when it came to learning about sharing!

They both love the Taco Bell cups...good thing we had 2!

Blondie loves the tub, but she loves the camera more!

She stole the duck - Munchkin says, "I'm ready to get out now Mom!"

Blondie & her daddy

Sharing their favorite book

Reading together

& Blondie ended up with it

What a pout!


  1. What cute kids! I especially love that pout!

  2. Yes, the pout is adorable! I, too, love the smell of bathtime - and little people bathtime. All my boys LOVE baths - and still vie for the BIG TUB! Sadly, they leave a big mess when they get out. But, oh, do they still smell sweet!

  3. Absolutely adorable. Tub photos are some of my favorites. Stopping by from SITS, have a wonderful Sunday.

  4. Awww, how sweet! It's great that the cousins spend time together. I live far from family so my kids don't get a lot of cousin time. :( They're both so cute, but that pout is just too much! I'm dying of the cuteness!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my place. I love your blog design. So pretty!

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud


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