Sunday, June 27, 2010

Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping

The state of my wardrobe has been sorely lacking for the past year. Due to the unfortunate combination of budget constraints, slow weight loss, and reluctance on my part to spend money on clothes until I get down to an acceptable weight, I've been limited to the same 5-6 outfits for work and 3-4 casual weekend combinations. It's been pretty sad, and I think it's one reason why I've felt so "blah" since Munch was born (I have a post coming later this week on that).

My mom came up to visit for the weekend, and I think she could tell I needed some Mommy-Daughter time. She bribed DH into staying home with Munch for a few hours, and the two of us headed out for some SHOPPING! We live in a fairly small town and there's not many stores around that have great shopping. We have the usual Target and Walmart, but the nearest real shopping mall is a good 45 minutes away. We didn't have that much time so we decided to hit up one of the other local stores that I don't visit often (mostly because it's pricier than I'm willing/able to spend). But my mom said she was buying, so I decided to venture into the uncharted territory of this other store. Boy, am I glad we did! I found SO much stuff that I liked, both for work and for weekend wear. I ended up with 3 shirts, 2 pairs of dress pants, 1 skirt, a nice button-down blazer, and a pair of shoes. 

It's been so long since a really got to go shopping and really shop - to pick out nice things, try them on, and then actually buy it. I'd almost forgotten how much fun shopping is and how much I love it. Back in high school and in college I worked part time in several different retail clothing stores, and most of my paychecks went right back to my employers. I didn't have the responsibilities of a mortgage, bills, and a child so I was able to spend my money as fast as I earned it, on anything I wanted. I always had the clothes I liked. I bought fun shoes and frivolous accessories because I could. And I know material items aren't necessarily the path to happiness, but I liked to shop and I liked looking pretty because that made me feel good about myself. 

The past few years I've been limited to shopping for utilitarian purposes. When I really NEED something I'm able to go out and buy it...but I not able to just go out and shop because I want to. I only have 1 pair of black heels for work, and they serve their purpose, but they're not fun. I have some decent work clothes, but I get tired of wearing the same thing day in and day out. I feel so bored with all my clothes and I'm tired of rotating the same 5 outfits every week.  

Now please don't think I'm shallow, because I'm not. I understand that my self-worth shouldn't come from how I look or how I dress. I know that happiness comes in other ways, and trust me - I have found more happiness in my family and in my son than I ever thought possible. But to me, dressing well is simply part of that package. 

So, in order to keep this momentum going and to satisfy my desires, I'm going to try to supplement my wardrobe on a regular basis a little bit at a time. Maybe once a month I'll go out and buy a shirt or a dress. Maybe it will be  a new pair of shoes. Maybe something as simple as a pair of earrings. But I'm super tired of the blah feeling, and I need to do something to pull myself out of that hole.

I need some shopping inspiration. When you're on a budget, where do you like to shop?

1 comment:

  1. Shopping is such fun. There's nothing like a little retail therapy to brighten up your day.


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