Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Sunday afternoons are one of my favorite times of the whole week lately. All the chores are completed and housekeeping is done and out of the way. It's a time that we spend together as a family. It's the perfect way for me to reconnect with my boys and recharge for the week ahead.

Today we lunched on delicious chicken strips from Publix, watched baseball, enjoyed strawberry ice cream cones, and played in the pool.

High-five, dad!

What a smile!

Sharing a Chilly Willy with daddy



Making my escape - I'm out of here!

It was a great day - I'm only disappointed every day can't be spent this way!


  1. What a perfect summer day! :) And yum to Publix! I haven't been to one since I last visited my husband when he went to school in FL. I miss it!

  2. It looks like he is having so much fun! What a great time. Thanks for stopping by my site earlier!

  3. Oo, and I forgot to tell you THANK YOU for the idea of putting the nursery letters in the boxes! I love that idea! And it keep the letters from hanging and possibly being grabbed at. Thank you again! :)

  4. Stopping by from SITS.

    What a cutie! I have 5 sons but the oldest is old enough to be a dad himself, so needless to say, I don't have any sweet little ones left at home like your William.

    I smiled when you mentioned Publix. We don't have them in Maryland, but when my brother's family lived in Florida, my SIL lived there. Made me think of them.

    Happy Monday.

  5. What a fun time! The look on his face in the last picture is awesome.


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