Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I think I've made a terrible mistake

Look at this sweet little face.

Would you not giggle a little if that child bumped into you on accident with a walker toy? 

Would you not chuckle at his laughs the second time he did it?

Would you not laugh at his delighted shrieks and screams?

Congratulations, you've created a monster!

Because that sweet little face now tears around the house at top speed, chasing after anything on 2 or 4 legs, and screaming with laughter as he runs into you again and again.

Bad move, mom.

OK HELP! I'm being targeted...gotta go!


  1. Oh yes! My daughter ripped my eye glasses off my face with such gusto that it made me crack up. Now I can only wear my contacts and pray that no one who comes to visit wears their glasses.

  2. Aha, ha, ha! That's cute. Yup, I would probably have done the same thing, he's so cute. Funny what kids find great pleasure in!

    Stopping by from SITS.

  3. Like my mom used to say, it's all fun & games until some one gets hurt. And yes, I did the same thing with my son. :)

    popped over from SITS.

  4. I found you through Theta Mom. This post cracked me up! I always can't help but laugh at things my boys do...but it always creates a monster! I'm a new follower!

  5. Too cute! He and my grandson would get along fabulously!


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