Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summertime, and the living is easy

Summer has always been one of my favorite seasons. Not just because school's out - especially because I'm a workin gal now and don't get a summer break!

No, I love summer now for the feeling it gives me, for the memories it brings back of my childhood. I always get sentimental during the summer for New England. It's where I grew up, and most of my summers were spent there even after we moved to Florida. It's so different from Florida up there. It just feels like home, and I think that's a big part of what I miss. Plus, there are actually seasons there!

These are the things I think of:

water activities are really popular. besides swimming and boating, you'll see people just sitting & enjoying the scenery and each other

as a kid, I used to ride my bike everywhere. I don't think kids do that much these days, that's pretty sad because it's great fun and great exercise!

 going to summer night baseball games & rooting for the home team

Del's lemonade is a favorite treat when we visit Rhode Island. They only exist in New England. There's something about the water up there that makes it so good - they've tried to expand the franchise but it's just not the same anywhere else.

My sister and I always shared fried dough at the county fair each year. I have a weakness for fried foods, and this is no exception - add a whole lot of cinnamon and powdered sugar on top and you have the most disgustingly delicious and messy fair meal ever.

We loved the rides, especially the Ferris Wheel. I'd never go on these rides now (something about the travelling carnivals creeps my out, who knows how sturdy & safe those rides really are?) but it didn't bother me then!

Red's was the best place around for ice cream and cold treats. One of our favorite things to do was to get ice cream and then stand in the parking lot to eat it. There's picnic tables off to the side, but the real social gathering place was the parking lot! (As I was looking for this picture, I just found out that the building burned down a few months ago. I feel so sad now!)

Other things I love about New England summers

getting lost with a good book and the sunshine

picking wildflowers

feeling the soft grass under your feet and between your toes

blowing bubbles

These memories are some of the best times of my life. I hope that Munch grows up with great memories like this too.

What are your special summer memories?


  1. Bubbles, being barefoot, reading (uninterrupted)....I LOVE this post!!

    And the adirondack chairs and the deck? Ah, heaven!

  2. This post was so beautiful! I love all those things about summer as well! Your pictures are just lovely : ).

    My summer memories include baseball games in the backyard with my dad as the steady pitcher. And then when we were done he would take us for a drive around the block (which was like a 10 mile ride in the country) in the back of the pickup truck. Summer is magic for sure!

    So nice to meet you today!

  3. Summer is one of my favorites, too! I grew up at the Jersey Shore so going to the beach was always a given!

    Welcome to TMC!! Glad you joined us!

  4. Yum... fried dough! We have something here in Maryland we call funnel cakes. Same principle, except you pour the batter through a funnel into the hot grease. I haven't had one in ages!

    Stopping by from SITS.

  5. What a great list of summer favorites. The lemonade looks fantastic and so does the fried dough! Fair food is so unhealthy, but super tasty. It's so worth the calories. :)
    Some of my favorite summertime memories center around my family. Camping out under the stars along the shoreline in Hawaii. Night fishing with my Dad. Catching crabs on the sand in the light of th emoon. Looking for seashells. Floating facedown on the surface of the water, watching fish swim along the reef. Makes me so homesick for Hawaii. :(
    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my bucket list post. Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud


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