Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vacation, had to get away

Good Lord. I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get this up. I'm remembering now why I'd been pushing myself to post daily; it's because I'm a creature of habit. I live for routines and if I get out of the habit of doing something - forget it! I promise I'll try to make blogging part of my daily routine again.

I had a great time visiting with my family.

Thursday was a travel day. Much to my amazement, we actually got out of the house on time. We made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare, met up with my mom, got lunch, and headed through security. Everything went better than I had expected, except I forgot to "declare" the Tylenol to security and didn't dump out the water in Will's sippy cup. I always feel nervous going through security and dealing with TSA because I'm afraid if I give the wrong answer or tick them off they'll target me for extra screening.

The plane ride itself went pretty well, except Will kept kicking the seat in front of him. The girl in the seat kept turning around to give me nasty looks. I tried to explain to him that there was a person in the seat, but that didn't work (I think he's still too young to understand). I tried to hold his legs down, but that didn't work either and it only made him upset. I gave up trying to make him stop before he had a full-on tantrum, and decided to go with the distraction tactic instead. It worked great, and he settled right down after we put Thomas the Train into the DVD player. (By the way, best. invention. ever. for traveling with a kid). He fell asleep for about an hour before we landed, then we grabbed our luggage and my sister (she came in on a different flight a few minutes after us), and headed to our rental car. Our car was a very small SUV,  before, and t it had barely enough room for 4 people, their luggage, and a car seat.

The drive through Pennsylvania was pretty uneventful. I'd never been in the state before, but it's really pretty. It's very similar to the New England landscape and architecture that I grew up with.

We finally arrived at my cousin's house. She and her husband had just built it, and I was excited to see the inside of it since I hadn't even had a chance to look at pictures yet. It's safe to say that the house is huge, beautiful, and exactly what I would have done...if I had her budget!

Aside from losing Jill, the rest of the weekend was great. We spent lots of time out by the pool (by day) and at their bar (by night). Yes, they have a full pub-style bar built into their basement. Yes, it is awesome.

& tomorrow? I'll tell you about the ball pit.

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