Sunday, September 5, 2010

Get Serious

So I've been away for a little while. I know I promised to catch up and get back into the swing of blogging, but I've been immersed in something called Life.

I've been really busy at work, so I haven't had time like usual to write and edit my posts there. And in the evenings I've been spending quality time with my family and doing things that I enjoy. I had a chance to finally finish my book (which I'll have a review on soon). I watched TV with DH and caught up on our favorite shows, and we rented a few movies from Netflix that we've been wanting to see. In short, I've been everywhere but here. But with good reason.

I'm adopting a new motto to my life: Get Serious.

It's a philosophy I've been thinking about recently. And after reading about living consciously at Hagler Happenings and "making it happen" at Viva Voce, I'm ready to start making changes in my life too.

I have so many things I want to do with my life. There are certain goals I want to accomplish and certain things about myself I want to improve. I want to be a better person, a better wife, a better mother. I want to rearrange my priorities and do the things that I enjoy and that are important to me.

But I find myself getting stuck. It's so easy to get caught up in just drifting through life, not really taking control, not doing the things I love. I find myself living passively, doing just enough to get by...but that's no longer enough for me.

So I'm making a vow now to take control of my life. To get serious about it, and live consciously, and make things happen instead of having things happen to me.

It's my hope that I can make these changes and take it one day at a time. And that, just maybe, each of those individual days will evolve into a full lifestyle change that I can be proud of.

To hold myself accountable, I'm going to make a list of goals which I will post here and update periodically with my progress. And I'm counting on you, my readers, to not let me forgot it.

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