Tuesday, October 5, 2010

as simple as buttered toast

I have a...special post planned for tomorrow, but tonight I want to share a few of my favorite moments from the past several days.

On Saturday, Will slept in until almost ten. That's absolutely amazing, because I don't think he's ever slept that late. Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep past about 7:00am, so I was up early. The hubs slept late too, so I got to enjoy some much needed ME time. I just sat and enjoyed the quiet, the TV silent instead of blaring, with only the sound of my son snoring over the monitor. Even the dog slept. I sipped my coffee, letting the early morning hours slip by. I can't remember the last time I had that much peace and quiet to myself.

When Will finally did get up, I made us both breakfast. He watched me butter our toast, and we enjoyed the meal together. He loves to share, so he stuck a fat little finger in my mouth to pry it open, then shoved the toast in offered me a piece. To make things even, I let him have a bite of mine. And so on.

Later that evening, during bathtime, we had a few more special moments. He's been fascinated lately with scooping water up in one container and dumping it into another. He'll usually do that for as long as I let him during bathtime, but today he had another trick up his sleeve. This time, he scooped water up and then poured it out of the tub onto me! It was quite the surprise, and although I tried to be stern in telling him to keep the water in the tub, I have a feeling that my laughter didn't help get that point across.

We also started playing with an empty shampoo bottle. I showed him how to fill it with water and laugh at the air bubbles that rose to the surface, and then how to raise the bottle high in the air to pour it over his head. In hindsight, it's probably not a good plan since this child is so receptive to learning and mimicking what we do. I can't regret it though, since it undoubtedly will bring us many laughs in the near future.

This time I spend with my son is some of the best times of my life now. I know it's cliche, and that most every mother says the same thing. Cliches spring out of truth though, and this certainly is a truth and a constant in my life.


  1. I love the mornings I get to sleep in!!

  2. Love love love the title of your blog, and your writing is great and free toys filled with imagination are really the best aren't they?!

  3. Sounds like a great day! I have to say I'm jealous when I hear you say you slept till 7. I feel lucky to sleep past 6 (only b/c my kids wake me up). Your blog is great, and I love the quotes on the side!

  4. Ah, quiet Mom time is such a pleasure! My boys are 6 and i miss all the special moments we shared when they were toddlers. I would have relished in them more if I knew I wouldn't get as many of them when they were older.


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