Saturday, May 22, 2010

William - 14 months, week 4

I haven't written a real post in a while; I've been so busy I've barely had time this week to even get on the computer. Now it's Saturday and I finally have time to get a post in and I don't know what to say. There's a lot to catch up on but I don't quite know where to start.

Will is almost 15 months old (on Monday). This week he has had a lot of firsts. He learned "uh oh" and what it means - but he hasn't learned that it only applies when something is done on accident. His favorite game to play now is to throw something and then say "uh oh!". I'm trying to teach him that uh oh doesn't count if you throw it.

He's also started saying "da-dum" (for Da-da) in context when he sees or wants DH. When we pull into the driveway, he says it like he expects DH will be waiting inside. He says "mama" sometimes too, but not as often. Yet.

He says "bah-bye" and waves on command now - he's been able to do it for months, but wouldn't always do it until recently.

He loves putting things away. He likes to help pick up paper trash (like junk mail, not nasty garbage) and help me put it in the trash bag when we're cleaning. He sometimes helps me put clothes in the washer & dryer (we have front-loaders), and if we don't watch him, he'll take clothes out of the hamper and scatter them throughout the house.

He knows which things are forbidden - like the TV remotes and the computers, and anything else we say "no" about - and says "uh uh" and shakes his head when he sees them. & then he goes to play with the forbidden item anyway.

Other random things:
He loves pretzel sticks.
He loves watching Smallville & comes running when he hears the title theme song.
He has learned how to remove the plastic outlet covers & put them back in. (Really? Not so childproof after all.)
He loves to play with the dogs. Jill has always liked him, and Jack is finally warming up to him. I'm sure the fact that he shares his food with them has helped.


  1. These are my favorite posts! It's amazing to see how fast they grow, yet so easy to forget their new talents :) Years from now, we'll be so grateful (to ourselves) that we did this!

    Thanks for swinging by my blog!

  2. Cute! My daughter loves to toddle towards the forbidden zones in our house while maintaining eye-contact over her shoulder and saying "NO NO NO NO NO NO!"


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