Thursday, June 3, 2010

Unexpected Vacation

& I am SO ready for it!

I talked with my boss about taking off the two days next week that Munchkin's babysitter will be on vacation. I was a little worried that he'd deny my request, but it turned out not to be a problem at all. He said it was fine, as long as I had someone to cover my responsibilities while I was out, and that he understands the situation. He has kids too (they're older, I think in their teens), but he said he and his wife had some similar experiences when their girls were younger. I was a little surprised at how easily he agreed, but I think I need to remember that he's just a regular guy too, and not an evil corporate zombie. He actually has shown a more human side lately, so he deserves some credit.

So now I have a four day weekend coming up! I'm so excited - I don't remember the last time I had this much time off without having to do something or go somewhere. I'm trying to come up with a list of activities & fun things Munch and I can do together.

Monday he has his 15 month well visit. He has to get some shots, so that may or may not wipe out the rest of the day. He's usually pretty good after vaccinations & has never had any of the side effects they warn you about. I guess we'll play it by ear for the rest of the day, but I might take him to the playground just to get out and enjoy some fresh air & sunshine. On the other hand, it's been so hot lately we might just end up as puddles on the sidewalk. Might be better to spend the day inside.

On Tuesday, I think we'll go into the city and visit one of my girlfriends. She moved out to L.A. a few years ago to try to "make it." She's done pretty well for herself so far - she was on an episode of "Bones" last year - but I miss her like crazy since she only makes it home a few times a year. This trip she's home for almost 2 weeks, so since I have the time off we're going to spend the day together instead of a hurried lunch like we usually do.

The rest of the time...I'd like to do some organization in the house. I'm also hoping to get some writing in while the kiddo is napping. I'd like to do some shopping - for me and for the house - but that would involve more money than we currently have.

What do you like to do on your days off?


  1. I like to sleep in, go for a run and watch movies on my days off. I haven't had one lately with school and homework but hopefully I will soon:) I hope you enjoy your long weekend!

  2. Day off? Ha not sure what that is!! ;) :P


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