Monday, June 28, 2010

McFatty Monday: Even Baby Steps are Steps

The last week didn't go as well as I would have liked. It definitely wasn't terrible, but I think I could have done better.

It was a rough week emotionally for me. Sales have been way down at work, and everyone is on edge due to the lack of business and wondering who, if anyone, will get a pink slip. Socially, DH and I had a little tiff with some friends (our neighbors) and I've been upset about that as well. As a result of this - or in response to it - there were several days that I came home and indulged in sweets and snacks. I'm a major stress eater, so when things in my life get rough I turn to food for comfort. It's a bad habit, one that I've been aware of for a long time, but I'm not sure where to begin to try to control it. I had a pretty good day today though, so I'm hoping that will set the tone for this week and that I can stay strong and resist temptation!

Despite that, I must have had some improvement in the weight loss department because several people have commented over the last few days that I'm looking slimmer. I was a little disappointed in myself for not doing more toward the effort, but I'm really happy that people are noticing a difference. It makes me feel good.

How do you tame your wildest food urges?


  1. I am a complete stress eater too. I've learned whenever I'm stressed, I do better if I'm out of the house and away from the food! Usually my husband and I go for a walk or go to the park -- basically do SOMETHING to get outdoors and take my mind off of whatever is causing me to be stressed (and therefore eat)....and also working out a little bit is always good. Hope that helps! :)

  2. I just happened upon your blog and man, yeah. Ive been on weight watchers for a year and yes. Slow. But I'm so glad I just stuck with it... And even though weekly its little bits Im still glad...its kind of better little then nothing.

    Better the loss I had then being where I was last july. which was horrifying!


  3. I have zero willpower. ZERO. I'm sooo bad at eating what I want when I want, and it's really catching up with me.


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