Thursday, July 1, 2010

Turn that frown upside down!

From Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop – prompt #3:
Write a list of 10 things that are sure to put a smile on your face when you are not happy
1.       The way my son smells fresh out of the bath
2.       A hug from DH or a big wet kiss from my dog
3.       Rereading a favorite book
4.       Remembering silly things my bestie and I have done together
5.       Macaroni and cheese
6.       Watching marathons of silly TV shows – ANTM or Kitchen Nightmares, anyone?
7.       Curling up under a warm quilt with a good movie & a glass of wine
8.       Pictures from my favorite vacations
9.       Pretty flowers to brighten up my house. Added bonus: they smell delicious
10.   My dad’s secret family spaghetti - my favorite comfort food. I know, this ties in to this weeks McFatty Monday – but there’s something about comfort food that just makes you feel better!

What makes you happy when you’re sad?


  1. I love the way Madison smells after a bath. I just scoop her up and breathe in her sweet baby smell mixed in with soap. Makes me smile too!

  2. I love 1, 7, and that order :)

  3. 5,6, and 7 make me happy. I think I might make myself some mac and cheese tonight, split a bottle of wine with the hubbs, and curl up with a good movie or maybe a book.

    Stopping by from SITS. I'm your newest follower.

  4. Two and seven! (except substitute smoothie for glass of wine -- I'm a smoothie addict! ;0) I LOVED #1, but mine are two big for me to snuggle with after bath time (10 and 13!) ;0) Stopping by to visit from SITS! Very cute blog.

  5. Happy Sits saturday. I love your list. Gave me an Idea for writing next week. Have a fantastic holiday weekends.

  6. I love your list. Macaroni and cheese!!!!! Spaghetti!!! PASTA!!! Love it. A girl after my own heart. That pic of your son in the side column is freaking adorable.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  7. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I could totally go for some spaghetti right this second : )

  8. and P.S. Fresh from bath babies are my favorite things. Pure deliciousness : )

  9. Love your list. Gotta love #5!! So glad you stopped by and introduced yourself. You have a lovely place over here. Come back any time!

  10. Freshly bathed babies are heavenly! I wish I could drink all that yummy sweetness in. :) This is a great list. Macaroni and cheese?!? What time should I come over? lol
    Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great day.

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud


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