Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh No He Didn't! Tuesday: Diet Coke Debacle

Kristi over at Live and Love...Out Loud has an awesome Tuesday meme about stupid things men do. Usually I just read and laugh, but today I actually have something to contribute! OK, maybe that's not such a good thing.

My husband knows how much I depend on caffeine to get myself through the day...every day. I'm not an addict, it just makes the day go by easier, for me and for everyone else.

A few days ago I asked him to grab me a pack of Diet Coke when he ran out to the store. He did, and I was happy...

until the next day at work when I realized he'd purchased caffeine free!


& then when I got home and mentioned he'd bought the wrong kind...he confessed that he knew it was caffeine free and bought it on purpose.


That the last time he buys my Diet Coke!


  1. Whoa...my husband knows to not even try and mess with my caffeine. I'll go all crazy on him...because I AM addicted.

  2. OH NO HE DIDN'T! That would be grounds for divorce. Okay, not really but still! The whole point is the caffeine, right? I'd die if my hubby brought caffeine-free soda into our house.
    Thanks so much for playing along with OH NO HE DIDN'T! Tuesday. I'm sorry it's taken me forever to come over to your place, but life has been kicking my butt in a major way lately. Hope you understand. :)

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud


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