So it seems I've collected a few awards lately but haven't had a chance to do a post about them. OK, that's a lie. I just never remember to include them with my posts, and then they sit, and get dusty and lonely...and then BAM here I am writing a post like this.
Shall we?
I'd like to thank both Chelsea from Adventures in Vandyland and Jessica Anne from Adventures with Three Girls for sending me the "Foxy Mama" award.
I'm so happy about this award because I don't really think of myself as foxy these days! It means a lot since both of these girls have THREE kids (Jessica Anne has three girls (obviously) and Chelsea has 2 with another little one on the way).
I want to pass the award on to some other foxy mamas: A Baby? Maybe..., Double the Blessings, Twice the Love, and Heart Cries. These are some of my oldies but goodies that I've been reading for a long time. I really look up to these ladies & would love to be as awesome as they are.
I also received the One Lovely Blog award from Amy over at The Adventures of JAMC.
According to the rules for this award, I'm supposed to list 7 things you didn't know about me. But...I just did that, so I'm going to pass on it for now.
Thanks to these three ladies for the awards! It's awesome to know that I have readers & that they really like my blog so much! Half the time I feel like I'm just writing to myself - I'm glad that's not the case.
Hope everyone had a good Monday. I'm still feeling crummy & had a really long (rough) day - off to bed so I can get some much needed rest!
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