Monday, September 6, 2010

weekend with cousins

My mother in law, sister in law, and her daughter (Will's cousin) were here visiting last weekend. We had a pretty good time together, and Will and his cousin got along much better than they did last visit! Well...mostly!

lounging in the pool
ah, tantrums. the joys of toddlerhood

don't worry, she's not really pushing him under.

plotting revenge

hold on - that's not what was supposed to happen!

pure joy
stealing mommy's iPhone

that better not be long distance!
don't text and walk!
couldn't wait for bedtime


  1. He looks like he had a blast! Cousins are the best when they are so close in age.

    ...stopping by from SITS...

  2. Aww, your(?) children are adorable! "Don't text and walk!" - haha, very funny. Oh, and I simply love this blog's title, by the way. *follows* :)

    -Lola (blogfrog [SITS] member)


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