Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I can't believe it's already here

My 100th blog post!

I started this blog just six short months ago. I've tried online journals and blogs before, but never stuck with them for very long, so I kind of didn't expect to still be writing in this one, but here I am - still going strong!

I've been looking back at a few of my early posts today, and some of them are pretty awful! My writing is all over the place, and I'm not sure I was really able to communicate my thoughts clearly. I still didn't have a good idea of my niche.

Now, I've narrowed my focus, found a niche, and I'm starting to develop some really good relationships with other bloggers and find my tribe. A big part of this - a big, BIG part - is due to my participation over at The Secret is in the Sauce. The girls over there are so sweet, and I've learned so much from them about blogging. It's probably the single best thing that's helped me been successful so far in blogging.

I still have a long way to go though. I'm still learning my voice, learning about social media, giveaways - the list is endless. There will always be something more to learn, especially as the blogosphere grows and new technology is developed.

These are a few of my very favorite posts. They represent my heart, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did living and writing about them.

In Fifty Years
Happy Father's Day
Fun in the Sun
Maybe It Was a Sign
Things That Might Have Been
Sweet Baby Feet
Home is Where the Heart Is

Most of all, thank you to all my readers and my new bloggy friends - especially the SITS Oink tribe! I wouldn't have gotten this far without you, your encouragement, and support!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy 100th post!

    I'm glad that you're having as much success with the tribe as I am!

  3. Happy 100th post! Glad you love blogging! I love it too :)

  4. Congratulations!Can't wait to hear the next 100!


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